Crimmigratie & Recht


Misdaad of heldendaad: humanitaire mensensmokkel bezien vanuit de crimmigratietrend

Trefwoorden asiel, crimmigratie, mensensmokkel, humanitaire hulp, vervoerdersaansprakelijkheid
Auteurs Mr. Anna Chatelion Counet

Mr. Anna Chatelion Counet
Mr. A. Chatelion Counet is Consulent Asielprocedure bij VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. Zij is recentelijk afgestudeerd in het strafrecht op het onderwerp ‘humanitaire mensensmokkel’, haar afstudeerscriptie ligt ten grondslag aan dit artikel.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands, the penalization of human smuggling has become broader and more severe. This development is part of a crimmigration trend that describes an increase of immigration-related criminal offenses. Currently, the provision does not include a financial component, nor does it exclude acts with a humanitarian motive. The validity of such severe prohibitions, especially those including acts that are not morally reprehensible, is questioned through the concept of ‘humanitarian smuggling’. Moral reprehensibility is one of the criteria for criminalization that provide a framework for the reflection on the Dutch prohibition of human smuggling that is conducted in this article.

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