Vennootschap & Onderneming


Flex BV and MoMiG – Revising the law of limited liability companies in the Netherlands and Germany

Trefwoorden limited liability, Flex BV, MoMig, BV, GmbH
Auteurs Mrs. C.E. Grundmeier, LL.M.

Mrs. C.E. Grundmeier, LL.M.
Mrs. C.E. Grundmeier, LL.M. is working as a trainee at Clifford Chance. The author would like to thank J.A. Lazell and T.P. van Duuren for their contributions to this article.
  • Samenvatting

      In the light of the ECJ case law on the freedom of establishment, both the Dutch and German governments have recently launched legislative proposals that are designed to revamp their national limited liability companies. This gives reason to take a closer look at the Dutch and German approach regarding some important issues for investors, namely minimum capital, non-voting and non-profit participating shares and shareholder instruction rights.

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