Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Verschillen tussen buurtclusters in de kans op woningbrand en samenhangende buurtkenmerken: een verkenning

Trefwoorden woningbrand, buurtclusters, buurtkenmerken, regressiemodel, verkenning
Auteurs Max Geelen en Ike Kroesbergen

Max Geelen
Max Geelen werkte als datascientist bij de GGD West-Brabant o.a. aan data-analyses op woningbranden. geelen.max@gmail.com

Ike Kroesbergen
Ike Kroesbergen is als senior onderzoeker veiligheid & gezondheid werkzaam bij de GGD West-Brabant. i.kroesbergen@ggdwestbrabant.nl
  • Samenvatting

      This explorative research is focused on the rate of residential fires in neighborhoods in a region that highly variates in urban and rural areas. Firstly, based on neighborhood characteristics from open data this research distinguish clusters of neighborhoods using a clustering technique. Secondly, the rate of residential fire is analyzed for the clusters of neighborhoods and shows differences between those clusters. Furthermore, a regression model is made for the rate of residential fire in each of the clusters of neighborhoods. In the clusters of neighborhoods with higher rates of residential fire, percentage of private rental residences, percentage of persons who have a migration background, percentage of lower income households, percentage of one person households and percentage of smokers are higher. These results give direction to further research. The findings on this level of neighborhoods are not causal relations, and are not applicable to the rate of residential fire in individual residents or households.

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