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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Burgers als institutioneel werkers. Een nieuw perspectief op burgerparticipatie in veiligheid

Trefwoorden institutional work, citizen participation, fire, disruption, actor perspective
Auteurs Jasper Bongers en Wim de Jong

Jasper Bongers
Jasper Bongers is promovendus aan de Open Universiteit.

Wim de Jong
Wim de Jong is postdoc aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en Radboud Universiteit.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article we show how the concept of ‘institutional work’ can be used to study citizen participation in the field of security arrangements. Institutional work starts from the perspective of actors trying to influence security institutions, and not from the perspective of government (as concepts like the ‘participation society’ and ‘ladder’ do). As such, this dynamic concept can be a useful addition to the conceptual arsenal of security experts. By applying the concept to the case of the Voluntary Fire Brigade in nineteenth-century Utrecht (1879-1890) we show how institutional work can work in practice. Finally, we reflect on the contribution that institutional work can make to our understanding of citizen participation in the field of safety.

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