Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


‘Gelukkig is geen ramp ontstaan’

De omgang met slachtoffers na grote branden

Trefwoorden victim needs, social justice, disasters, fires, legal settlement
Auteurs Michael Blommers

Michael Blommers
Michael Blommers is een in de praktijk werkzame onderzoeker en verbonden aan Spuistraat 10 Advocaten te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Based on a retrospective analysis of six large scale and fatal fires in the Netherlands, an improvement in terms of meeting the needs of victims can be seen. A comparison of the legal settlement of these fires shows mayor differences in the fulfilling of different aspects of social justice that are identified in social psychology. Two victim needs commonly associated with retributive justice – financial compensation and a thorough, neutral investigation into the causes of the disaster – were fulfilled to a higher degree after the most recent fires than after those that occurred decades ago. The legal settlement after the New Year’s fire in Volendam (2001) appears – at least on paper – to have been more just from the victim’s point of view than the ones after the other incidents. Empirical research into the experienced social justice after the New Year’s fire can be valuable to assess the factors that can lead to a just settlement after disasters.

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