Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Afketsende of gedeelde verbeeldingswerelden?

Kijkervaringen van moslimjongeren en politiestudenten met ISIS-video’s en Hollywoodfictie in Nederland

Trefwoorden Dutch youth, ISIS videos, Hollywood, Visual skills
Auteurs Heidi de Mare, Sigrid Burg, Gawie Keyser, Dick de Ruijter en Gabriël van den Brink

Heidi de Mare
Heidi de Mare is gepromoveerd beeldwetenschapper en directeur van stichting IVMV, instituut voor maatschappelijke verbeelding, www.ivmv.nl.

Sigrid Burg
Sigrid Burg is beeldonderzoeker, beeldmaker en ondernemer.

Gawie Keyser
Gawie Keyser is filmrecensent bij de Groene Amsterdammer.

Dick de Ruijter
Dick de Ruijter is cultuurpsycholoog en zelfstandig onderzoeker, www.dickderuijter.nl.

Gabriël van den Brink
Gabriël van den Brink was hoogleraar Maatschappelijke bestuurskunde, Universiteit Tilburg en is hoogleraar Filosofie van Cultuur en Bestuur bij Centrum Ethos, VU Amsterdam, www.vu.centrumethos.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      Between 2013-2017 there were many ISIS videos circulating. It was generally assumed that these videos would encourage young Muslims to radicalize and join ISIS. But what do we actually know about the imaginary world of young people? Do sociological aspects such as the economic, cultural and religious background play a decisive role in this? Can we use the films and TV series that young people see as an entry into their imaginary world? To what extent can image analysis provide knowledge that contributes to safety issues? Commissioned by the Department of Counterterrorism, Radicalization and Extremism (CTER) of the Dutch National Police, the IVMV Foundation invited, in a comparative pilot study, twenty Dutch youngsters (10 with a Muslim background and 10 police students) to share their viewing experiences with five trailers (3 Hollywood, 1 Netflix, 1 not explicit violent ISIS video) that touched on the ISIS issue. This resulted in a research report and a film (in Dutch as well as in English) that was presented in November 2017 (De Mare et al. 2017a; De Mare 2017b). A remarkable result was that their viewing experiences and feelings showed a lot of similarity.

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