Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


De geschatte waarde van het preventieprogramma Brandveilig Leven op basis van de contingente waarderingsmethode (CV – Contingent Valuation)

Trefwoorden willingness-to-pay, contingent valuation, impact assessment, community fire safety
Auteurs David Bornebroek, Ron de Wit, Marc van Buiten en Ira Helsloot

David Bornebroek
David Bornebroek is manager/directeur van Twente Safety Campus en Teamleider (Brand) Veilig Leven en projectleider Risk Factory bij Brandweer Twente.

Ron de Wit
Ron de Wit is plaatsvervangend commandant van de Brandweer Twente.

Marc van Buiten
Marc van Buiten is universitair docent aan de faculteit Engeneering Technology aan de Universiteit Twente.

Ira Helsloot
Ira Helsloot is hoogleraar Besturen van Veiligheid aan de Radboud Universiteit.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch Regional Fire Services collectively aim at preventing fire, casualties and damage. The main activity is informing citizens about fire risks and the appropriate measures they can take. From both a political and social perspective, it is valuable to know what the return of the Community Fire Safety program is. One way to chart the return of the program is a comparison of the cost of, and society’s willingness-to-pay for, the program. To estimate this willingness-to-pay, this article applies the contingent valuation method to a national representative sample of 806 Dutch citizens. The results show that willingness-to-pay of an average Dutch household is estimated to be between € 25.00 and € 35.67 per year provided the Community Fire Safety program improves the fire safety by 10%. At the national level, this amounts to 200 – 270 million euro annually. This value is seven to ten times more than the approximate costs of the current Community Fire Safety program.

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