Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


De maatschappelijke integratie van de politie

Politieleiders over de actualiteit van een beladen concept

Trefwoorden politie, maatschappelijke integratie, gebiedsgebonden politie
Auteurs Ivo van Duijneveldt

Ivo van Duijneveldt
Ivo van Duijneveldt is organisatieadviseur bij Andersson Elffers Felix en buitenpromovendus aan de Radboud Universiteit.
  • Samenvatting

      Since the 1970s social integration of the police has been considered as a key element of the Dutch police. This article focusses on the question of the relevance of social integration of the contemporary police. The article is based on interviews with present and former strategic leaders of the Dutch police. This study shows that social integration is still often considered to be a highly important value for the Dutch police, particularly with regard to the growing polarisation in society. However, some of the police chiefs also express their disapproval of the concept of social integration; in their view the concept reminds us of the past. Also, police chiefs are critical of the value of the concept because of its supposed geographical focus. The paper shows that this criticism can be understood as an interpretation of social integration in terms of ‘neighbourhood policing’ and as an operational police strategy.

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