Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Het succes van social engineering

Trefwoorden Awareness, E-mail phishing, Social Engineering, Telefoonfraude
Auteurs Jan-Willem Bullée, Lorena Montoya, Marianne Junger en Pieter Hartel

Jan-Willem Bullée
Jan-Willem Bullée is Information Risk Manager aan de Universiteit Twente. Email: j.h.bullee@gmail.com.

Lorena Montoya
Lorena Montoya is Graduate School Coordinator aan de Universiteit Twente. Email: a.l.montoya@utwente.nl.

Marianne Junger
Marianne Junger is professor Cyber Security and Business Continuity aan de Universiteit Twente. Email: m.junger@utwente.nl.

Pieter Hartel
Pieter Hartel is hoofd van de Cyber Security research group aan de TU Delft en werkzaam aan de Universiteit Twente. Email: pieter.hartel@tudelft.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      Social engineering is the usage of social manipulation and psychological tricks to make the targets assist offenders in their attack. This paper aimed to discuss the success of social engineering attacks and interventions in an organisational setting. Three kinds of social engineering experiments were discussed, each using a different modality (i.e. face-to-face (f2f), email and telephone). In each experiment, the targets (i.e. participants) were persuaded to perform actions that contribute to their victimisation.
      A portion of the participants in both the f2f and telephone experiment received an intervention to reduce victimisation. The conclusion is that awareness raising about dangers, characteristics and countermeasures related to social engineering proved to have a significant positive effect on protecting the target. The results of these experiments allow practitioners to focus awareness campaigns to maximise their effectiveness.

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