Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Mediale verbeelding en politiecultuur

Trefwoorden Police, culture, media
Auteurs Lianne Kleijer-Kool en Janine Janssen

Lianne Kleijer-Kool
Lianne Kleijer-Kool is onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader en docent Integrale Veiligheidskunde bij Hogeschool Utrecht.

Janine Janssen
Janine Janssen is Lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties bij het expertisecentrum Veiligheid van Avans Hogeschool en hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de nationale politie.
  • Samenvatting

      In the traditional understanding of police culture as well as in the criticism against the use of the concept of ‘police culture’, not much attention has been paid towards the influence of the representation of police work and crime in the media. Although since the pioneering studies in the sixties and seventies of the last century it has been made clear that police work is not limited to dealing with crime and criminal justice, the mass media for decades have presented a completely different image: one of thrill seeking and hardcore action. Police officers themselves tend to ‘sensationalize’ their work. Police culture is no longer understood as a deterministic coping mechanism, but is rooted in active and constructive participation of police officers. As a consequence we must pay attention to representation of ‘the police’ by the media and ask ourselves how identity work by police officers is influenced by the representation of crime and the police in the (new) media.

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