Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Normbeelden als alternatief voor politiecultuur: de integere, neutrale en loyale supercop

Trefwoorden police culture, norm image, integrity, neutrality, loyalty
Auteurs Sinan Çankaya

Sinan Çankaya
Sinan Çankaya is universitair docent op de afdeling Bestuurswetenschappen & Politicologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article argues that the notion of norm images does more justice to the complexity of the police organization. The notion of ‘police culture’ is heavily criticized for its homogenizing tendencies, monolithic connotations and stereotypical and negative evaluation of police work. Norm images have an analytical value, because (1) the images are contextualized within and connected to the rule of law, (2) the images are sufficiently analytically flexible for a situational and relational interpretation of the cultural processes within the police organization, and (3) the notion theoretically presupposes the resistance strategies of social actors against the norm images. The article illustrates the theoretical value of norm images by focusing on the dominant images of the ‘trustworthy’, ‘neutral’ and ‘loyal’ police officer.

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