Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Politie en burgers: van informatie delen naar volwaardige samenwerking

Trefwoorden gebiedsgebonden politiewerk, burgerparticipatie, sociale media, participatieladder
Auteurs José Kerstholt, Arnout de Vries en Mirjam Huis in ’t Veld

José Kerstholt
José Kerstholt is werkzaam bij TNO Soesterberg, Universiteit Twente te Enschede.

Arnout de Vries
Arnout de Vries is werkzaam bij TNO Soesterberg, Universiteit Twente te Enschede.

Mirjam Huis in ’t Veld
Mirjam Huis in ’t Veld is werkzaam bij TNO Soesterberg, Universiteit Twente te Enschede.
  • Samenvatting

      Community oriented policing (COP) can be seen as a co-production between citizens and police (and other stakeholders) in increasing public safety. There is a broad range of projects to cooperate with citizens. We ordered these projects along two dimensions: level of co-production (informing/consulting, advising and co-creation) and domain (prevention, law and order, investigation and quality of life). Today, most initiatives are at the lowest rungs (informing and consulting), but social media provide new possibilities to involve citizens in a more direct and fast way. The effects of the various projects are mostly limited to psycho-social factors like experienced safety, feelings of control and legitimacy. However recent studies show that these factors may have an indirect effect on crime rate. Furthermore, as reducing crime rate was not the only goal for introducing COP effect studies should not be limited to crime rate but incorporate a broad range of indicators.

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