Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Jihadgang naar Syrië: een wetenschappelijke benadering

Trefwoorden Jihad, Foreign fighters, Syria, radicalisation
Auteurs Nick Platje Msc

Nick Platje Msc
Nick Platje (Msc) is werkzaam bij het ministerie van Defensie.
  • Samenvatting

      This article describes a qualitative inquiry into Dutch people going to Syria for participating in Jihad. The inquiry compares theoretical findings with empirical facts, based on a content analysis and a document analysis, completed with ten depth-interviews. The results show that a combination of scientific findings on radicalisation and foreign fighters explains the jihad movement to Syria partly. The results also show that some factors, which have not recently be examined scientificly, are crucial for the character and extent of the movement towards Jihad.

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