Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Gaan veiligheidsmaatregelen ten koste van de servicebeleving?

Trefwoorden customer experience, service perception, surveillance measures, legitimateness
Auteurs Rick van der Kleij, Maaike Roelofs en Dianne A. van Hemert

Rick van der Kleij
Rick van der Kleij is werkzaam bij TNO Earth, Life, and Social Sciences.

Maaike Roelofs
Maaike Roelofs is werkzaam bij TNO Earth, Life, and Social Sciences.

Dianne A. van Hemert
Dianne A. van Hemert is werkzaam bij TNO Earth, Life, and Social Sciences en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.
  • Samenvatting

      Surveillance measures in public places such as train stations, large events or business premises are aimed at increasing security at those specific locations. They enable people to move around securely at public (high) risk locations. However, people often experience these measures as an obstacle. Too much security often results in limitations of freedom of movement and violations of privacy. Could surveillance measures be designed in such a way that they are perceived more as a ‘service’? The authors studied the variables that influence whether people experience surveillance as a service or as a hindrance. At three surveillance locations (Schiphol Airport, Hoog Catharijne shopping area and Amersfoort railway station) more than thousand visitors were surveyed. They were asked how they experienced service and security on the site. The results show that there are differences in service perception in relation to security measures at the three locations studied. They show how the tension between service and safety can be reduced and provide clues for improving security measures. The results can be used by owners of public locations, surveillance stakeholders or private companies for the optimalisation and re-design of a location, as their goal is to attract loyal visitors, who are not frustrated and are willing to use the location frequently, and who preferably speak positively about the location to others. Also the security measures themselves can be improved, both technical security measures as well as human security measures.

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