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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Professionele weerbaarheid en de politie

Naar een persoonsgerichte aanpak

Auteurs Geeske ten Wolde, Barbara Zwirs en Nelleke Kruse

Geeske ten Wolde
Geeske ten Wolde is werkzaam voor de politie-eenheid Noord-Holland en onderzoeker bij het project ‘Versterking Professionele Weerbaarheid’.

Barbara Zwirs
Barbara Zwirs is universitair docent Criminologie aan het Instituut Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Nelleke Kruse
Nelleke Kruse was onderzoeker bij het project ‘Versterking Professionele Weerbaarheid’ van de politie-eenheid Noord-Holland.
  • Samenvatting

      The aim of the article is to analyse the correlations between social cognitive factors and behaviour that increases resilience by police officers and to assess in which way intention mediates the possible correlations. The study was based on Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour. A cross-sectional survey study was conducted in which 1.799 police officers in the Netherlands completed a questionnaire. Data was also collected by organising qualitative expert meetings with police officers. The data has been analysed using linear regression. The results show that intention had the highest correlation with behaviour that increases resilience and mediates the correlations of the social cognitive factors partially. Perceived behavioural control and attitude also had a direct correlation with behaviour that increases resilience. Subjective norm had a weak correlation with behaviour. This is the first study which tested TPB for behaviour that increases resilience by police officers. Because the design of this study was cross-sectional, more research is needed to better understand the causal relations between social cognitive factors and intention with behaviour that increases resilience by police officers.

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