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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


‘Een loverboy laat niet los’

Slachtoffers van loverboys in beeld

Trefwoorden Loverboys, Revictimization, Youth prostitution, National human trafficking, Youth care
Auteurs Rianne Verwijs, Arnt Mein en Marjolein Goderie

Rianne Verwijs
Drs. Rianne Verwijs is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut. E-mail:

Arnt Mein
Mr. Arnt Mein is als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

Marjolein Goderie
Drs. Marjolein Goderie is als promovenda verbonden aan het Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article, the concept of ‘loverboys’ is discussed and characteristics and needs of victims are described. The term ‘loverboy’ refers to a person who uses a specific method of human trafficking of mostly girls and young women. The methods involve recruitment and grooming of the girl by contacting and seducing her by means of (the promise of) a romantic relationship, with the aim of exploiting the victim sexually and financially or use her as a drug mule or otherwise. The loverboy concept is not a new phenomenon, but the traditional image of a loverboy as a charming young man operating on his own is outmoded. Victims of loverboys form a broad and diverse group, but share certain characteristics that make them vulnerable, such as attachment issues, traumatic (sexual) events in their childhood and, to a lesser extent, intellectual disability. More insight is needed in the underlying mechanisms of repeated victimization − a serious issue with loverboy victims − and how this can be prevented. Regarding loverboy victims as a specific type of national human trafficking or youth prostitution instead of isolating it as a new phenomenon, is a first step in accomplishing this.

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