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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Onschadelijkmaking: een problematische trend in criminaliteitsbestrijding

Trefwoorden Incapacitation, Crime-prevention, Control, Punishment,, Disqualification
Auteurs Marius Duker en Marijke Malsch

Marius Duker
Mr. dr. Marius Duker is UHD Straf(proces)recht aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, tevens rechter-plaatsvervanger. E-mail:

Marijke Malsch
Mr. dr. Marijke Malsch is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum voor Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR), en tevens raadsheer-plaatsvervanger.
  • Samenvatting

      This article attempts to interpret and critically discuss the concept of incapacitation as a motive in the response to crime. Research shows that incapacitation – disabling or hindering people to commit offences – increasingly presents an important motive in the response to crime. This tendency is explored by several researchers in a new book titled Incapacitation: Trends and New Perspectives (Ashgate 2012). This tendency presents itself by the expansion of various modes of and grounds for detention, but also in the increase of other kinds of incapacitative measures, as well as in the fact that also administrative measures outside criminal law increasingly contain incapacitative elements. This tendency towards incapacitation of possible (re-)offenders can also be witnessed in contemporary politics. Examples discussed here are the intensive application of preventive custody, disqualifications, restraining orders accompanied by electronic monitoring, as well as administrative measures aimed at refusing certificates of good conduct or permits for specific commercial activities. It is argued that incapacitation often is not a proportionate and effective approach against crime. It appears to obscure the perspective on possibly more effective attempts to secure future behavior.

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