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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 3, 2010 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

De positie van de gemeente in de veiligheidszorg

Een inleiding

Auteurs Jan Terpstra en Arnt Mein

Jan Terpstra
Prof. dr. ir. Jan Terpstra is hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Criminologisch Instituut van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. E-mail:

Arnt Mein
Mr. Arnt Mein is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut en de vakgroep Criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail:

Gemeentelijke regie in de veiligheidszorg

Schets van relevante factoren en een wetsvoorstel

Trefwoorden gemeente, regie, wetsvoorstel, lokaal veiligheidsbeleid
Auteurs Jan Terpstra en Mirjam Krommendijk

    In the local governance of public safety many different organizations are involved. These organizations cooperate in local networks or partnerships to manage problems related to crime and disorder. In the Netherlands the local government should coordinate the cooperation between these organizations and their activities. Research shows that in practice this coordination has many serious shortcomings.
    Therefore the Dutch government proposed a new Act to promote the local government’s capacities to coordinate these networks and local policies of public safety (Wet op de gemeentelijke regierol lokale integrale veiligheid). At this moment this proposal has not yet been submitted to the Dutch Parliament.
    This Act will create new obligations and powers for the local government. According to this Act every four years local councils will have to establish a public safety policy plan based on an analysis of local problems of crime and disorder. Local governments should make formal agreements with the local partner agencies about their activities. Additionally the Act will provide local governments with the power to enforce these cooperation and contributions and to sanction it.
    Research shows that many of the problems that arise in the coordination of these networks and partnerships result from the local governments themselves. Often the governmental support and commitment to local safety issues are insufficient, the local administration is highly fragmented, the coordination is often poorly implemented and local administration often have a bureaucratic culture that is hard to reconcile with the need to react quickly to urgent local problems.
    Considering these problems the authors argue that this proposed Act is not an adequate solution for the problems that arise in the coordination of local safety policies and partnerships.

Jan Terpstra
Prof. dr. ir. Jan Terpstra is hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Criminologisch Instituut van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. E-mail:

Mirjam Krommendijk
Drs. Mirjam Krommendijk is werkzaam als onderzoeker aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Criminologisch Instituut van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. E-mail:

Versnipperde regie

De positie van de gemeente in een lokaal veiligheidsnetwerk

Trefwoorden gemeentelijke regiefunctie, veiligheidsnetwerk, netwerkanalyse, doorzettingsmacht, centraliteit
Auteurs Jolijn Broekhuizen, Ronald van Steden en Hans Boutellier

    The coordination in public safety has been assigned to the municipality. The central question in this article is whether the municipality is equipped to fulfil this task successfully. In this study we investigated a metropolitan security network against drug and alcohol nuisance. Questionnaires were administered among 36 organisations dealing with these nuisance problems. The social network analysis shows that the municipality is predominant in the security network. On the other hand there are several other organisations, such as the Police, health organisations and Housing Associations, that also take up a central position in the network. We also found that the municipality’s informal network is less well developed than its formal network. In contrast, the Police and several local health organisations often liaise informally with other organisations that ‘fight’ drug and alcohol nuisance within the network. Quite a number of organisations are in the position to obtain important information and to exert influence when organisations are unwilling to cooperate. Consequently, several organisations other than the municipality are suited to successfully complete the coordination in a security network.

Jolijn Broekhuizen
Drs. Jolijn Broekhuizen is senior onderzoeker bij de Dienst Onderzoek en Statistiek van de gemeente Amsterdam. E-mail:

Ronald van Steden
Dr. Ronald van Steden is als universitair docent verbonden aan de afdeling Bestuurswetenschappen van de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit. E-mail:

Hans Boutellier
Prof. dr. Hans Boutellier is algemeen directeur van het Verwey-Jonker Instituut en hoogleraar Veiligheid & Burgerschap aan de Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. E-mail:

Uitbreiding bevoegdheden ter handhaving van de openbare orde en veiligheid

Een versterking of verzwakking van de positie van de burgemeester?

Trefwoorden bestuurlijke handhaving, burgemeester, bestuurlijke bevoegdheden, openbare orde
Auteurs Arnt Mein

    Lately, mayors’ powers for maintaining public order and safety have been considerably extended, and even more powers are in preparation. These powers must enable the mayor to act quickly against public order disturbances and security threats. The novelty is that the mayor may conditionally use and exercise these new powers preventively against groups of rioters. Their freedom of action and their privacy can also be considerably curtailed. This means these powers have to be used carefully and reluctantly. If the mayor overdoes the crimefighter role, he/she may lose the public’s confidence.

Arnt Mein
Mr. Arnt Mein is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut en de vakgroep Criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail:

Gemeenten en de strijd tegen de georganiseerde misdaad

Trefwoorden georganiseerde criminaliteit, bestuurlijke aanpak, BIBOB, gemeenten, evaluatieonderzoek
Auteurs Wim Huisman

    Municipalities play an increasingly important role in the fight against organized crime. Following Italian and New York examples, the Netherlands have developed several instruments for an administrative approach to organized crime. This article describes these instruments on a local and a national level and discusses its theoretical foundations. A critical assessment is made on the reach of this administrative approach considering the perception and nature of organized crime in the Netherlands. Further, methods for assessing the effectiveness of such an approach are discussed. Has organized crime successfully been targeted and how could this be established?

Wim Huisman
Prof. dr. Wim Huisman is hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. E-mail:

Lokaal veiligheidsbeleid in Nederland en België: op zoek naar verschil

Trefwoorden lokaal veiligheidsbeleid, politie, gemeente, Nederland en België
Auteurs Lex Cachet en Ruth Prins

    Public safety has always been a core task for local, municipal authorities. However, until rather recently only the police has been actively involved in addressing local problems of public safety and maintaining order instead. Local public safety policy – as a responsibility for local authorities together with many other partners – is a relatively new phenomenon.This article compares the main developments and trends in local public safety policy in the Netherlands and Belgium. Special attention is paid to the role and position of the local, municipal authorities. What strikes most, are the strong similarities between the two countries. National governments played an important and catalyzing role in the development of public safety policy in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium. After many years and not without a lot of trouble, the monopoly of the police on designing and implementing policy for addressing public safety and order came to an end in both countries. Which, amongst other effects, presented the local authorities with new challenges.

Lex Cachet
Dr. Lex Cachet is universitair hoofddocent Bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Opleiding Bestuurskunde. E-mail:

Ruth Prins
Ruth Prins MSc is promovendus Burgemeester en Veiligheid, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Opleiding Bestuurskunde. E-mail: