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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Gemeenschap als bron van positieve veiligheid

Een conceptuele verkenning en aanzet tot empirisch onderzoek

Trefwoorden gemeenschap, sociale cohesie, sense of belonging, insluiting
Auteurs Ronald van Steden, Marieke van Vliet, Ton Salman en Hans Boutellier

Ronald van Steden
Ronald van Steden is universitair docent aan de afdeling bestuurswetenschappen van de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. E-mail:

Marieke van Vliet
Marieke van Vliet is cultureel antropologe. Zij is werkzaam als recherchekundige bij de regiopolitie Amsterdam-Amstelland. E-mail:

Ton Salman
Ton Salman is universitair hoofddocent aan de afdeling culturele antropologie van de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. E-mail:

Hans Boutellier
Hans Boutellier is algemeen directeur van het Verwey-Jonker Instituut en hoogleraar Veiligheid & Burgerschap aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.E-mail:
  • Samenvatting

      This article explores the links between the concepts of security and community, questioning the conventional use and meaning of both. To begin with, it addresses the taken-for-grantedness of the thought that communities foster feelings of security, and that contemporary processes of migration, intensified worldwide communication, and ‘heterogeneization’ of habitats stimulate feelings of insecurity and nostalgia for ‘old-fashioned’ tight kinship. Subsequently, it criticizes the too lop-sided focus on insecurity in current debates, and asks attention for – community-based – positive feelings of security. In the next paragraphs, however, the problematic aspects of the idea of ‘community’ are discussed: its inadequacy in capturing current individualized ways-of-life, its exclusionary tendencies, its potentially exaggerated focus on social control, and its rejection of, and fear for, the outside world. Therefore, we assess the possibility to construe (‘strong’) community qualities in a situation of multiple, overlapping and porous populations of varied identity-relevance within overarching institutional arrangements of rule of law and of shared codes of conduct (as ‘weak’ ties). Finally, the argument is translated in suggestions for empirical research to be able to determine the fecundity of the ideas presented.

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