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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Burgers over beveiligers

Een kwantitatief onderzoek naar percepties, verwachtingen en oordelen

Trefwoorden beveiligers, burgers, beveiliging
Auteurs Ronald van Steden, Maddy Roelofs en Mahesh Nalla

Ronald van Steden
Ronald van Steden is werkzaam bij de onderzoeksgroep Veiligheid en Burgerschap aan de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Postadres: De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam. E-mail:

Maddy Roelofs
Maddy Roelofs in onderzoeker bij de Dienst Onderzoek en Statistiek van de gemeente Amsterdam. Postadres: Postbus 658, 1000 AR Amsterdam. E-mail:

Mahesh Nalla
Mahesh Nalla is hoogleraar in Criminal Justice Studies aan Michigan State University, U.S.A. Postadres: School of Criminal Justice, 560 Baker Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824-1118. E-mail:
  • Samenvatting

      The employment of private security guards has increased in many European countries in recent decades and the Netherlands is no exception. However, despite large increases in the growth of the private security industry, little is known about how the public perceives agents of private policing and their role in crime prevention and enhancing the public’s sense of safety. In this paper we examine public perceptions of private security personnel. More specifically, we examine citizens’ perceptions and expectations toward the nature of security guards’ work and their relationships with public police, as well as citizens’ level of satisfaction with private security services. Findings suggest that overall Dutch citizens have mixed opinions of security guards. Nonetheless, contrary to what is often assumed about the public image of private security, findings also suggest that respondents are sometimes surprisingly positive in their reactions.

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