Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Narcissism in court and mediation

Challenges and opportunities

Trefwoorden narcissistic abuse, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), impunity, rule of law, mediation
Auteurs Matthias Vanhullebusch

Matthias Vanhullebusch
Prof. Dr. Matthias Vanhullebusch (PhD, London; LLM, Leiden) lectures law at Hasselt University, Belgium.
  • Samenvatting

      Despite the rise of a popular consciousness on the narcissistic personality disorder, legal professionals have yet to grasp the impact of narcissistic abuse in court and/or mediation proceedings in family, commercial or labour disputes. The exploitativeness of and vindictiveness of malignant narcissists vis-à-vis their victims undermine the prospects for peacefully resolving disputes. Recognising the patterns of narcissistic abuse and supply is essential for judges and mediators to succeed in fulfilling their mandate to find a lasting solution to different types of conflicts. Psychological studies can offer insights here in tackling the narcissist’s impunity before the law, protecting the narcissist’s opponent or victim and upholding the credibility of conflict management avenues – court and mediation proceedings alike – in the face of a growing narcissistic culture in modern societies.

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