Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


The need for blockchain crowdsourced online dispute resolution (BCODR)

Trefwoorden dispute resolution, blockchain, crowdsourcing, internet law
Auteurs Daniel Dimov

Daniel Dimov
Dr. Daniel Dimov is geregistreerd advocaat bij de Brusselse Bar (EU List). Hij verdedigde zijn thesis Crowdsourced Online Dispute Resolution in 2017 aan de Universiteit van Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      This article discusses the problems of the current dispute resolution methods and suggests that there is a need for a paradigm shift in the field of dispute resolution and this shift can come from a new dispute resolution mechanism called Blockchain Crowdsourced Online Dispute Resolution (BCODR). The article examines two contemporary BCODR systems (Kleros and PeopleClaim) in detail and argues that those systems did not become widely used because of their reliance on cryptocurrencies and because their incentive models are based on financial remuneration. In the author’s opinion, for a BCODR to succeed, it needs to accept not only cryptocurrencies, but also fiat currencies and needs to rely on an innovative incentive model that will ensure that the BCODR system is provided either at low cost or at no cost.

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