Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


ICSID Mediation Reglement voor investeringsgeschillen in werking sedert 1 juli 2022 – Verschil met ICSID Conciliation

Auteurs Herman Verbist

Herman Verbist
Herman Verbist is advocaat bij de balie te Gent en te Brussel (Everest Advocaten); erkend bemiddelaar in burgerlijke en handelszaken bij de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie in België; opgeleid als mediator in investeringsgeschillen; opgenomen op de lijst van ICSID Conciliators op voordracht van België; gastprofessor aan het Europa-Instituut van de Universiteit van het Saarland voor mediation inzake investeringsgeschillen.
  • Samenvatting

      In addition to conciliation and arbitration, since 1 July 2022, ICSID also offers the possibility of resolving investment disputes through mediation. Along with the introduction of the ICSID Mediation Rules, the ICSID Conciliation Rules were also amended, to make the Conciliation Rules more user-friendly and also more flexible, and to allow parties to use the mechanism of the UNCITRAL Convention on International Settlement Agreements resulting from mediation (‘the Singapore Convention on Mediation’) for enforcement.
      Although conciliation and mediation are generally considered interchangeable in the UNCITRAL context , there are differences between conciliation and mediation in the ICSID context. This contributions sets out the main differences between ICSID conciliation and ICSID mediation.

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