Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Merging with tradition – Sri Lanka’s pathway to effective mediation practices

Trefwoorden community mediation boards, effective mediation practices, traditional dispute resolution, inclusivity
Auteurs Indika Perera

Indika Perera
Indika Perera is the Key Expert Alternate Dispute Resolution at the Supporting Effective Dispute Resolution (SEDR) project. This is an European Union funded project implemented by the British Council in Sri Lanka. Indika is an Attorney at Law and has more than twenty years’ work experience on conflict transformation and ADR.
  • Samenvatting

      The effective administration of justice in Sri Lanka is challenged by excessive delays in the delivery of people-centred justice services. The increased use of ADR models and approaches, such as Community Mediation Boards reduces the caseloads in the formal court system, providing multiple benefits to litigants and ensuring sustainability of the rule of law and good governance. The increased awareness and acceptance of the ADR mechanisms itself empower local communities and marginalised social groups in dealing with their local disputes in a more cost effective and sustainable manner.

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