Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Status of a mediated settlement agreement from a German law perspective

Trefwoorden settlement, agreement, enforceability, mediation
Auteurs Judith Wollstädter

Judith Wollstädter
Judith Wollstädter is a jurist and holds master degrees in management of theatres and orchestras as well as mediation. After serving in the capacity of directrix of administration in several different theatres and orchestras, as of 2020, she has taken a position as a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Katharina Gräfin von Schlieffen at the University of Hagen, Germany, where she supervises Mediation Studies and the Master programme in Mediation.
  • Samenvatting

      Phase 5 of a mediation process aims at the participants’ reaching an agreement that is complete, fair, feasible and enforceable. Its legal nature is primarily dependent on the wishes of the parties. It can comprise legally non-binding statements, agreements on the parameters of future contracts, and even legally binding declarations of intent concerning contested claims.
      It can be considered a settlement contract if it contractually settles a conflict between parties, or contractually determines an uncertain legal relationship by dint of mutual relenting. Depending on the circumstances, it may also be classified as a precontract, a procedural agreement, a contract of remission, or a contract sui generis.
      German law does not provide a special order of enforcement for mediation settlements. Though such an order (section 796d ZPO) was part of one of the drafts for the German Mediation Act and its accompanying changes of the law, it was abandoned during the legislative procedure. An agreement can be enforced based on: a settlement in court, an arbitral settlement, a lawyers’ settlement, a recorded instrument, or an arbitral verdict.

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