Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


De ontwikkelingen op het gebied van fiscale mediation in Nederland

Trefwoorden Mediation, Fiscale bemiddeling, Fiscale strafzaken, Mediationwetgeving
Auteurs Roelof Vos en Diede Molenaars

Roelof Vos
Roelof Vos is advocaat bij Hertoghs advocaten en MfN-registermediator.

Diede Molenaars
Diede Molenaars is advocaat bij Hertoghs advocaten.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article the authors summarize the current position of tax mediation in the Netherlands and pay attention to several differences between mediation in Belgium and the Netherlands. They also outline the recent developments in order to the proposed mediation legislation and the options for using mediation in tax fraud cases. Mediation legislation could be the incentive that tax mediation needs.

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