Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Nieuw in België: Collaboratieve Onderhandelingen Wettelijk Geregeld

(New in Belgium: A Statutory Basis for Collaborative Negotiations)

Trefwoorden Collaboratieve onderhandelingen, Bemiddelingswet, conflictoplossing, België, Collaboratieve advocaat
Auteurs Willem Meuwissen

Willem Meuwissen
Willem Meuwissen is an attorney and accredited mediator with the Belgian Federal Mediation Commission and a member of the Belgian Association of Collaborative Professionals. He teaches negotiation and mediation at the universities of Antwerp and Brussels. He trains students becoming certified mediator at bMediaton and EMTPJ.
  • Samenvatting

      The ADR Act of 18 June 2018 provides for an insertion into the ‘Gerechtelijk Wetboek’ (Judicial Code), entitled ‘Collaboratieve onderhandelingen’ (Collaborative Negotiations), which came into force on 1 January 2019.

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