Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


VEILIG THUIS: multidisciplinaire aanpak van intrafamiliaal geweld en kindermishandeling onder één dak

Trefwoorden Family Justice Center, Multidisciplinary approach, Domestic Violence and Child abuse, Client-centered approach
Auteurs Pascale Franck

Pascale Franck
Pascale Franck is de co-director van het Family Justice Center te Antwerpen (vanuit de afdeling Justitiehuizen, departement WVG, Vlaamse overheid) en de vice-president van de European Family Justice Center Alliance. Zij werkt 27 jaar in het veld van intrafamiliaal geweld, seksueel geweld en kindermishandeling.
  • Samenvatting

      The Family Justice Centers are an international model where victims of domestic violence and child abuse can find all help needed under one roof. The FJCs are a collaboration of police, justice, welfare, help centers and authorities. The main target is empowering survivors of violence.
      The development of the FJC-model is situated in an evolution of the approach of these forms of violence, starting with the recognition of violence against women and child abuse towards a multidisciplinary and collaborative model starting from the needs of survivors of violence. The FJC-model is explained from a field worker point of view and further developments and expected evolutions are mentioned.

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