Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Verplichte doorverwijzing naar bemiddeling: we can lead a horse to water, but can we make it drink?

Trefwoorden Mandatory mediation, acces to justice, appropriate dispute resolution, Belgian bar
Auteurs Tom Wijnant

Tom Wijnant
Tom Wijnant is assistent en doctoraatsonderzoeker aan de UGent. Zijn onderzoek legt de nadruk op de optimalisering van bemiddeling in België, met een focus op de faciliterende rol van de advocatuur.
  • Samenvatting

      With a Belgian law of June, 18 2018, the principle of the voluntary nature of mediation was affected. A lot of critical comments can be made at this point. The scope of the obligation is not clear. Mandatory mediation raises the threshold to the court and has as effect that many cases are not handled in the most appropriate way. The bar doesn’t support the measure. Research is needed to find out if the new measure is justified.

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