Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Verslag evenement ‘Bemiddeling: alleen voor de happy few?’

Panelgesprek in het kader van FBC Mediation Week 2017 te Gent

Trefwoorden Panel Discussion, Ghent Court Of Appeal C.S., Happy Few
Auteurs Sara Goossens

Sara Goossens
Sara Goossens is directeur Justitiehuis Gent, departement Welzijn Volksgezondheid en Gezin, afdeling Justitiehuizen.
  • Samenvatting

      On 16 October 2017 the Ghent Court of Appeal, the Court of First Instance East Flanders, House of Justice Ghent, Centre for Welfare Work East Flanders, House of Mediation, Mediationlink, organised a paneldiscussion titled ‘Mediation: only for the happy few?’ as part of the Belgian FBC Mediation Week 2017. Central in the discussion was how and to what extent the access to mediation inside and outside the courts in Belgium can be improved. This question was addressed by the seven members of the panel, representing the various stakeholders involved in mediation. A view that was shared by all was that from a very early age human beings should be educated in how to deal with disputes.

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