Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Mediation-bemiddeling en ‘best practices’ in Vlaanderen en Nederland

TMD-workshop tijdens de FBC Mediation Week 2017 te Brussel

Trefwoorden TMD Workshop 2017, Best Practices in mediation, Mediation Week, MfN-register
Auteurs Annie de Roo en Herman Verbist advocaat

Annie de Roo
Annie de Roo is hoofdredacteur van TMD, hoofddocent aan de Erasmus Universiteit en vicevoorzitter van de examencommissie Stichting Kwaliteit Mediators. Zij heeft diverse malen als key expert voor de Europese Commissie meegewerkt aan projecten met name op het gebied van arbeidsrechtelijke mediation.

Herman Verbist advocaat
Herman Verbist is advocaat aan de Balie te Gent en te Brussel; erkend bemiddelaar, erkend door de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie in België en redactielid van TMD.
  • Samenvatting

      On 19 October 2017 the TMD editorial board organised a workshop fully devoted to the (ir)relevance of best practices in mediation. The workshop, which took place in Brussels in the framework of the Belgian annual Mediation Week, was chaired by Annie de Roo and Herman Verbist who addressed the invited workshop speakers with various questions, starting with the basic, but fundamental question: ‘Is there a need for best practices in mediation?’ Followed by the question: ‘Is there a practice of mediation best practices in Belgium and the Netherlands, and if so, by whom, what are these best practices drawn up? Another question focussed on the possible link between best practices and mediation rules. Judith Simon-Emaus, director of the Mediator Federation Netherlands bureau, pointed out how best practices can contribute to furtherance of the mediator profession, which is also emphasised in her contribution ‘The MfN-register: a quality mark partly due to best practices’. Christine Jacobs, accredited mediator to the Belgian Federal Mediation Committee, approached the theme out of the perspective of the parties. She emphasised that it is essential that the mediator always takes the needs of the parties in dispute as the starting point for how to proceed in mediation. In other words, there is no such thing as a best mediation practice. She returns to this viewpoint in her contribution ‘Best prac­tices in Vlaanderen?’ A more radical stance was taken by Helena De Backer, accredited mediator to inter alia the Belgian Federal Mediation Committee and the International Mediation Institute. She is of the opinion that if mediation (profession) has a statutory basis, there is no need for best practices. Marc Simon Thomas, stresses that the purpose of introducing best prac­tices must be clear. Thus what purpose and who are served by best mediation prac­tices? In his contribution ‘The purpose and necessity of best practices in mediation based on the findings of the study ‘Peer Review and MfN accredited Mediators’ this is further reflected upon.

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