Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Geschilbeslechtingscommissies in het bijzonder onderwijs

Commissies van beroep, onderwijsidentiteitsontslagcommissie en cao-ontslagcommissie

Trefwoorden Geschilbeslechtingscommissie, Bijzonder onderwijs, Arbeidsrecht, Commissie van beroep
Auteurs Elmira van Vliet

Elmira van Vliet
Elmira van Vliet is universitair docent aan de Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article is about the legal position (labor law) of employees in Dutch schools on a religious basis. Although the normal labor law is applicable in this situation, there are also some divergent regulations. Besides some history and background information, this article discusses some important recent developments in the involved commissions and the topics they can decide about. At last this article is about the legal status of the decisions of the commissions. Are they binding or not?

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