Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Een empirisch onderzoek naar mediation bij overdracht en opvolging binnen familiebedrijven (in België)

Trefwoorden Familiebedrijf, Mediation, Opvolging/overdracht, Conflict
Auteurs Tim De Greef

Tim De Greef
Tim De Greef is vrijwillig wetenschappelijk medewerker faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid KU Leuven campus Brussel en als advocaat-stagiair werkzaam bij het advocatenkantoor Tiberghien.
  • Samenvatting

      This research aims to explore empirically (method: questionnaire) the usefulness of mediation as a technique of external conflict management in the event of a family business transfer. More specifically, the research intents to verify if the conditions of application, the consequences and the benefits of mediation as described in general literature apply to the context of a family business (transfer), since Prince underlined 25 years ago that research is required to develop: ‘a system of intervention that employs the concepts, techniques, and logic of mediation that apply to the unique aspects of family business’. Results of the own research showed that mediation was an adequate technique of external conflict management in the context of a family business transfer and that it was more successful than consulting, defined as other techniques of external conflict management, in the researched cases. Furthermore, the research found indications that mediation is an adequate technique beyond the researched cases.

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