Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


The path from 'calculating the cost of conflicts' towards 'cooperation controlling'

Trefwoorden Conflict Management, Cooperation Controlling, Mediation Paradox, Cost of Conflict
Auteurs Elvira Hauska en Berndt Exenberger

Elvira Hauska
Elvira Hauska wrote several publications since 2006. Since 2004 she is self-employed as conflict management consultant with focus on evaluation, mediation and coaching. Before she was six years assistant professor at the University of Graz with a special emphasis on optimization methods and has six years praxis as project manager in leading Austrian companies.

Berndt Exenberger
Berndt Exenberger was born in 1961, he studied Business Administration and Laws in Vienna and has a 17 years experience in various executive positions in the Austrian non ferrous metal industry. He is now working as an independent consultant for more than ten years, his core areas are conflict management and controlling. He is also a lecturer at the FH Burgenland – University of applied Sciences (conflict management, teamwork, organisational development) and was one of the authors of the Austrian conflict cost study in 2006.
  • Samenvatting

      In this contribution the author(s) contend that controlling cooperation is a better appraoch to succesfully meet the mediation paradox (discussed a.o. by De Palo et al. in the European Parliament Rebooting study) and the conflict management paradox, than merely calculating the costs of conflicts. The author(s) discuss the phenomenon of denial gap, and summarize some of the results they achieved with their team spirit barometer in surveys among Austrian managers during the past few years.

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