Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Bemiddeling bij Belgische class actions

Trefwoorden massaschade, collectieve afwikkeling, consumentengeschillen, class action
Auteurs Marc Taeymans

Marc Taeymans
Marc Taeymans is bedrijfsjurist, praktijklector KU Leuven, en erkend bemiddelaar.
  • Samenvatting

      The author discusses the details of the new Belgian statute on class actions. An intriguing part of the new legislation is that friendly negotiations between the disputing parties are strongly encouraged, yet the intervention of a professional mediator is wholly absent from the law. This is surprising, as the author emphasizes, in view of the procedural safeguards that mediation entails, safeguards that could also be of use in mass litigation.

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