Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Modernisering van de arbitragewetgeving

Trefwoorden Arbitrage, Scheidsgerecht, Uncitral, Modernisering Arbitragewetgeving
Auteurs Thabiso van den Bosch

Thabiso van den Bosch
Thabiso van den Bosch is advocaat bij Conway & Partners in Rotterdam en lid van de redactie van TMD.
  • Samenvatting

      On 1 January 2015 a new arbitration act entered into force in the Netherlands. This article discusses the main amendments to the old legislation. The purpose of this new act is to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the arbitration process. Partially, the changes consist of codification of existing case law. However, also new elements are introduced such as for example the possibility of remission. Another reason for this revision of the arbitration legislation is to make the Netherlands internationally more attractive as an arbitration venue.
      The main changes are related to, for example, the enforcement proceedings, which are significantly shortened for foreign awards, and making the annulment procedure more efficient. Furthermore, consumers are given more protection from arbitration clauses in general conditions, the rules regarding the challenging of arbitrators are amended and allow for the appointment of a third party to decide on the challenge. Summary proceedings are introduced as a possibility. The registration of the arbitral award with the district court is no longer required.

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