Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Nieuw Belgisch kader inzake ADR en consumentengeschillen

Trefwoorden ADR, consumers, Belgium, ADR directive, Consumer Ombudsman Service
Auteurs Stefaan Voet

Stefaan Voet
Stefaan Voet is postdoctoraal onderzoeker bij het FWO Vlaanderen, verbonden aan het Instituut voor Procesrecht van de Universiteit Gent en lid van de redactie van TMD.
  • Samenvatting

      Belgium was one of the first European Member States to implement the new 2013 ADR directive. The act of 4 April 2014 introduces new rules on internal complaints procedures and a series of minimum quality requirements for ADR entities. However, the most important realization of the Act is the creation of a Consumer Ombudsman Service. This service, that is composed of six existing (public and private) Ombudsman services, will be competent for residual consumer disputes: disputes for which no ADR entity currently exists. This article explores the act of 4 April 2014 and offers a detailed overview of the structure, missions and procedure of the Consumer Ombudsman Service.

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