Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


When it takes thousands to tango

Over de buitengerechtelijke collectieve afwikkeling van massaschade in Nederland en België

Trefwoorden mass damage claims, collective settlement, high profile mediation, shadow of the settlement, 2013 European Commission Recommendation on settling mass damage claims (informal mechanisms)
Auteurs Rob Jagtenberg en Stefaan Voet

Rob Jagtenberg
Rob Jagtenberg is docent aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en lid van de redactie van TMD.

Stefaan Voet
Stefaan Voet is postdoctoraal onderzoeker bij het FWO Vlaanderen, verbonden aan het Instituut voor Procesrecht van de Universiteit Gent en lid van de redactie van TMD.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article the authors compare Belgian and Dutch (draft) regulation of mass damage claims, and notably the prominent place reserved for the collective amicable settlement of such claims. Though collective action for the recovery of damage is still not possible in the Netherlands, Dutch law does provide for the possibility of the court endorsing collectively agreed settlements, since 2005. One of most notorious settlements, i.e. the Dexia case, is discussed, illustrating how individual victims may retain their standing to sue in court, although in such cases the courts show a tendency to cling to the terms of the collective settlement just the same (‘reflex effect or shadow of the settlement’). Mediation in brokering such high profile settlements does not necessarily follow the vested principles of mediation in ‘regular’ one to one disputes.

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