Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Burgemeester en mediation

Meningen over de toekomst van mediation als instrument voor behoorlijk bestuur

Trefwoorden public administration, mediation, mayor, organizational development
Auteurs Ad Kil en Tanja de Jonge

Ad Kil
Ad Kil is emeritus hoogleraar Research Didactiek aan de Nyenrode Business Universiteit.

Tanja de Jonge
Tanja de Jonge is registeraccountant en auditor, research fellow aan de Nyenrode Business Universiteit en fractievoorzitter in de gemeenteraad van Barendrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In recent years in The Netherlands around 120 mayors were trained as mediator. Focus of this multi method research was to collect the view of those mayors on – the future of - mediation as a tool in local public administration. More specific in conflicts with citizens, industry and other shareholders. Response rates on online survey was below standards but yield some descriptive aspects of this mayor group. Focus groups were informative. Mediation in local public administration is an accepted and successful phenomenon fact and will be further incorporated. Those mayors were pioneers and innovators but want to pass this method to organizational levels. One plead for incorporating principles and practice of mediation in all administrative processes and protocols.

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