Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Het initiatiefwetsvoorstel mediation in Nederland en belastinggeschillen

Trefwoorden tax dispute, draft law proposal, taxpayer, tax authorities
Auteurs Jurgen Kuiper

Jurgen Kuiper
Jurgen Kuiper is als praktijkgroepmanager werkzaam in de algemene fiscale praktijk bij Loyens & Loeff N.V. Daarnaast is hij MfN-registermediator in mediations in conflicten tussen een belastingplichtige en de Belastingdienst en in zakelijke conflicten. Hij is voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Fiscale Mediation (VFM) en een van de auteurs van het boek Mediation in belastingzaken, Anders en effectief (Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers 2013).
  • Samenvatting

      In his article, Jurgen Kuiper describes what rules will be included in the law governing mediation in disputes between the tax authorities and a taxpayer (and his or her tax adviser/lawyer) in the Netherlands, based on the draft law proposal initiated by Ard van der Steur, a member of the Dutch Parliament. Jurgen Kuiper describes when and how mediation is achieved, what else is regulated in relation to mediation, and who the mediator will be. He also describes what is new in the draft law proposal in comparison with the content of the mediation agreement which currently in practice is concluded between the tax authorities, the taxpayer (and his or her (tax) adviser/lawyer) and the mediator at the beginning of the mediation. Although the draft law proposal contains some new items, he expects that, in practice, the draft law will hardly make any difference when it comes to mediation in tax disputes. He also expects that regulation of mediation in tax disputes in the law might contribute to mediation in tax matters being taken more seriously.

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