Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Dispute Management as a Means of Value Based Corporate Governance

Trefwoorden Viadrina Component Model, CMRM model, Conflict Spider, Dispute Management
Auteurs Cornelia Schmidt en Michael Hammes

Cornelia Schmidt
Cornelia Schmidt is a Consultant in PricewaterhouseCooper’s Forensic Services practice based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Cornelia advises clients on fraud and dispute related issues. She has been extensively involved in the recent survey.

Michael Hammes
Michael Hammes is a Director of PricewaterhouseCooper’s Forensic Services practice based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Michael has extensive experience in dispute resolution. He frequently acts as a party-appointed or tribunal appointed expert in arbitration or court proceedings or as an expert arbitrator.
  • Samenvatting

      Disputes are part of a company’s daily business reality, involving a broad range of internal and external stakeholders. As disputes may have significant consequences in terms of costs and damages, it is crucial that disputes are managed in a ‘wise’ manner. In this context, PwC and the Institute of Conflict Management at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) initiated a broader ten years research project. The fourth and most recent survey was published in October 2013 and examines the question of how dispute management can be established as a means of value based corporate governance. The survey describes how disputes can be successfully managed by employing a professional framework and associated tools.

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