Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Interview met Kamerlid Ard van der Steur: de wetsvoorstellen bevordering mediation

Trefwoorden wetsvoorstellen, registermediator, kwaliteitseisen, rechtsbijstand
Auteurs Rob Jagtenberg en Herman Verbist

Rob Jagtenberg
Rob Jagtenberg is docent aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.

Herman Verbist
Herman Verbist is advocaat bij de balies te Gent en te Brussel, werkzaam bij Everest Advocaten, erkend bemiddelaar en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.
  • Samenvatting

      Mr Ard van der Steur MP for the Dutch Liberals (VVD), has introduced three interconnected private member bills to anchor mediation more firmly into the Dutch legal system. This initiative grew out from dissatisfaction over the truly minimal implementation of EU Directive 2008/52 in the Netherlands. For one thing, the bill envisages stricter quality standards and registration requirements. Professional privilege, for instance, will only accrue to those who meet all requirements as Registermediators. Another interesting aspect of the bills concerns the duty for parties to indicate to court in the writ of summons whether mediation has been attempted, and if not, why not. If a legal question arises while a mediation is pending before a Registermediator, the latter may refer that question on behalf of the parties to a cantonal judge electronically, whereas proviso is made for the judge handing down judgment at short notice, in order not to interrupt the flow of mediation more than necessary. These are just some of the innovative aspects of the bills that are being discussed during this interview at the premises of the Dutch parliament.

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