Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


The EU Parliament Study ‘Rebooting the Mediation Directive’: An Overview of Its Key Findings, And a Response to Its Critics

Trefwoorden Mediation Directive, mediation policy, European Parliament, court
Auteurs Giuseppe De Palo en Romina Canessa

Giuseppe De Palo
Giuseppe De Palo is a mediator and President of ADR Center in Rome. He is also Professor of ADR Law & Practice at Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minn. He has written extensively about ADR and, in January 2014, presented to the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament the research study ‘Rebooting the Mediation Directive: Assessing the Limited Impact of its Implementation and Proposing Measures to Increase the Number of Mediations in the EU’, of which he was the coordinator.

Romina Canessa
Romina Canessa is a co-author of ‘Rebooting the Mediation Directive: Assessing the Limited Impact of its Implementation and Proposing Measures to Increase the Number of Mediations in the EU’. She holds a Juris Doctor Degree in Law from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and Bachelor of Science Degree in International Politics from the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.
  • Samenvatting

      Giuseppe De Palo and Romina Canessa give a description of the recent publication of a study conducted for the European Parliament on Mediation, ‘Rebooting the Mediation Directive: Assessing the Limited Impact of its Implementation and Proposing Measures to Increase the Number of Mediations in the EU’, has contributed to the ongoing debate about effective mediation policy. The Study concluded that despite an increase in mediation awareness and the proven benefits it can have, mediation still remains largely unused as a method of dispute resolution.

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