Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Mediation in het bedrijfsleven vraagt andere aanvliegroute

Trefwoorden bedrijfsleven, private sector, business mediation, corporate mediation, materiedeskundigheid
Auteurs Lambert Boot

Lambert Boot
Lambert Boot is ervaren bemiddelaar, mediator, onderhandelaar, coach en bestuursadviseur.
  • Samenvatting

      Mediation is not very popular (yet) in the Dutch private sector. The author used his own network of business relations to investigate the motives not to choose mediation in solving business conflicts. Entrepreneurs and managers recognize mediation as a suitable method to solve personal conflicts like in family and community mediation. In business conflicts however, parties try not to get too personally involved and to keep feelings and emotions away from the negotiations. This investigation made clear that the timing of the conflict management process is a crucial factor in the unpopularity of mediation. The moment to choose a suitable method for dispute resolution is when the entrepreneur or manager failed to solve the dispute together with the other party. At this stage the competences of the mediator are competing with those of the entrepreneur/manager and therefore the choice for mediation is not very likely. This can only be changed by the introduction of dispute consultancy earlier in the process. Also the promotion of the traditional values and benefits of mediation does not seem to match the desires of most of the entrepreneurs and managers. Mediators might invest in pilots with companies to create opportunities for conflict consultancy and the introduction of a dispute analysis as early as possible in the process.

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