
Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

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Aflevering 4, 2012 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Over conflictmanagement en de kracht van eigen kracht

Auteurs Annie de Roo

Annie de Roo

Juist wel en juist niet ingrijpen

Eigen Kracht en grondrechten

Auteurs Fiet van Beek

Fiet van Beek
Fiet van Beek is bestuurder van de Eigen Kracht Centrale. fietvbeek@eigen-kracht.nl.

Plattelandsjongen in de grote stad: mijn ervaringen als buurtbemiddelaar

Trefwoorden Mediation, Conflict, Neighbours, Social problems
Auteurs Drs. Mark van den Boogaard

    My interest in mediation had been aroused when I – then a local government official – became involved in a conciliation between farmers and local residents in a dispute about cutting down trees. This experience made me decide to start working as a community-mediator in the city of Eindhoven. For a person with an agricultural background like me is community-mediating in a large city quite an adventure. You have to deal with social problems you are not familiar with, for instance because city dwellers may have other standards and values. Uncovering these standards and values and especially naming the feelings involved is essential for the communication between quarrelling neighbours, the first step towards normal mutual relations.

Drs. Mark van den Boogaard
Mark van den Boogaard is buurtbemiddelaar. mmj.van.den.boogaard@gmail.com.

Bemiddeling en conflicthantering in Vlaamse echtscheidingsovereenkomsten

Een empirisch-juridische analyse

Trefwoorden divorce agreements, mediation arrangements, content analysis, empirical-legal study
Auteurs Ruben Hemelsoen PhD

    In this empirical-legal study, the mediation arrangements concluded in the context of a divorce by mutual consent are studied by using the social scientific method of content analysis. Within a representative sample of Flemish divorce agreements, these clauses are both quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. The quantitative results show that the number of mediation arrangements and ADR clauses in the dataset are rather low. The qualitative content analysis reveals that most mediation provisions can be improved. Ultimately, this contribution contains suggestions to improve the terminology and stipulation of the investigated clauses.

Ruben Hemelsoen PhD
Ruben Hemelsoen is vrijwillig postdoctoraal onderzoeker verbonden aan de Vakgroep Burgerlijk Recht van de Universiteit Gent. Ruben.Hemelsoen@ugent.be.

Internet + bemiddeling = e-mediation

Trefwoorden Online Dispute Resolution, mediation, computer mediated communication, e-mediation
Auteurs Katalien Bollen en Martin Euwema

    The rapid and ongoing development of the Internet has greatly affected new types and sources of conflict but also the ways conflicts are handled. Nowadays, more and more mediation service providers offer online tools to manage conflicts, going from fully e-supported mediations to hybrid mediations which are partly face to face (F2F) and partly computerized. Despite the increasing use of different types of e-supported mediation, practitioners and scholars know little about their effects or under which conditions different types of e-supported tools are best used. This contribution focuses on the role e-tools may play in text based mediations (mainly labor and divorce mediations) which are mediated by a human mediator. We hope to provide third parties of all sort (mediators, practitioners, consultants, managers, etc.) with practical guidelines for the use of e-supported mediation.

Katalien Bollen
Katalien Bollen maakt sinds 2007 deel uit van de onderzoekseenheid Arbeids-, Organisatie- en Personeelspsychologie van de KU Leuven (België), waar ze een doctoraatsproefschrift schrijft, getiteld ‘Mediation (of bemiddeling) van hiërarchische arbeidsconflicten’. Het gaat hier niet om collectieve conflicten, maar om interindividuele conflicten tussen mensen onderling. Specifieke aandacht wordt er geschonken aan de rol en het gebruik van macht, het uiten van emoties en het gebruik van online tools en software ter ondersteuning van mediation. Daarnaast is Katalien een gecertificeerd mediator en is ze verbonden aan het Leuven Center for Collaborative Management (LCM).

Martin Euwema
Martin Euwema is hoogleraar Organisatiepsychologie en coördinator van de onderzoekseenheid Arbeids-, Organisatie- en Personeelspsychologie van de KU Leuven. Hij doet onderzoek, geeft les en adviseert over conflictmanagement, bemiddeling, leiderschap en team- en organisatieontwikkeling. Martin is voorzitter van de International Association for Conflict Management en samen met Alain Verbeke co-director van het Leuven Center for Collaborative Management (LCM).

ADR in the Netherlands and ‘Europe’

Trefwoorden ADR Directive, ODR Regulation, Mediation
Auteurs mr. dr. Betty Santing-Wubs

    This article deals with two European proposals on consumer disputes: one proposal for an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directive and one for an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Regulation. The European Mediation Directive is also taken into account. Important issues are the voluntary nature of ADR and the quality of the so-called ADR entities.
    Some regulation in the field of ADR might be useful, but the proposals are quite detailed. In the Netherlands, till now ADR has been successful without too much – or even without any – regulation. The two proposals could lead to undesirable intervention in an effective self-regulating ADR system.

mr. dr. Betty Santing-Wubs
Betty Santing-Wubs is universitair docent privaatrecht aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. a.h.santing-wubs@rug.nl.

De ICC Mediation Competition

The Mediation Generation

Trefwoorden Mediation, Competition, ICC, Paris
Auteurs Anne Willemsen, Sander Vanhoutte en Yoeri van der Kroon

    In February 2013 a Dutch delegation of four students and two coaches travelled to Paris to participate in the annual International Commercial Mediation Competition.

Anne Willemsen

Sander Vanhoutte

Yoeri van der Kroon