Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


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De Europese ontwerpregelgeving voor ADR in consumentengeschillen

Trefwoorden ADR in consumentengeschillen, Online dispute resolution, Europese ontwerpregelgeving, Consumer ADR, ODR, EU legislative proposals
Auteurs Rob Jagtenberg

Rob Jagtenberg
Mr. dr. Rob Jagtenberg verricht vergelijkend onderzoek naar mediation en conflictmanagement in Europa.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution discusses the EU Commission proposals for a directive on Consumer ADR and a Regulation on consumer ODR. The directive compels member state to cater for complete coverage of all contractual consumer disputes (whether domestic or cross-border) by ADR entities that meet certain quality requirements and to actively make these facilities known. The proposed regulation introduces an EU-wide single ODR platform that will transfer consumer complaints to the appropriate national entity. European comparative research suggests the business community’s initial reluctance to (co-)finance such external extra-judicial dispute reolution schemes (deploying quasi-arbitration or mediation) may be overcome in either of two ways: through the prospect of introducing EU collective consumer redress before the courts instead, or by convincing business of ADR’s use as an additional marketing feedback tool. Some open questions that remain are highlighted.

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