Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Round Table Mediation & Conflict Management of the German Economy

Trefwoorden Round Table of German Economy, Commercial Mediation, Conflict Management, corporate driven initiative, development of ADR in Germany
Auteurs Jürgen Klowait

Jürgen Klowait
Dr. Jürgen Klowait is General Counsel E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany; Attorney at Law, Mediator, Coach and co-founder of the Round Table Mediation & Conflict Management of the German Economy; Contact: Homepage Round Table:
  • Samenvatting

      The article introduces the Round Table Mediation& Conflict Management of the German Economy, illustrates its role, member corporations and objectives, gives an insight into its vision and mission and provides an overview both of its organizational structure, functioning and the main topics currently dealt with in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution. The contribution further provides an overview regarding recent developments of commercial mediation and finally assesses the future prospects of corporate conflict management in Germany.

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