Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


The relationship between arbitrators and the administrative and judicial organs of the EU

Trefwoorden International Commercial Arbitration, EC Commission, arbitral discretion, third parties
Auteurs Joanna Kolber

Joanna Kolber
Joanna Kolber is master in law.
  • Samenvatting

      Arbitration cases involving EC competition law may create difficulties for arbitrators with regard to their attitude towards the EU organs. The article discusses aspects of this relationship. The article specifically evaluates the (non-)application in arbitration of the regime for EC Commission’s relationship with member states’ courts as well as the EC Commission’s role as a third party in arbitrations. The article then analyses circumstances of the possible co-operation of arbitrators with the EC Commission and the conditions for its smooth running. The article subsequently looks at the effects of the Commission’s decisions on arbitration as well as the effects of the arbitral awards on the Commission. The article considers the lack of a relationship between arbitrators and the European Court of Justice in light of the Court’s jurisprudence, and the relevance of the Court’s jurisprudence for particular arbitrations.

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