Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


De betekenis van de Europese Mediationrichtlijn vanuit het NMI-perspectief

Trefwoorden directive, Mediation Law, NMI, confidentiality
Auteurs Esther Gathier

Esther Gathier
Mr. Esther Gathier is beleidsmedewerker bij het NMI.
  • Samenvatting

      On 21 May 2008 the European Directive on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters was adopted. The directive will have to be implemented in Dutch legislation before 21 May 2011. The objective of the Directive is to facilitate access to alternative dispute resolution and to promote the amicable settlement of disputes, by encouraging the use of mediation and by ensuring a balanced relationship between mediation and judicial proceedings (Article 1(1)). As a result of the arrival of the European Mediation Directive mediation the Netherlands will get a legal basis and thereby recognition. This article inter alia discusses the Mediation Directive from the NMI's perspective and discusses the articles from the Directive relevant to NMI step by step.

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