Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Mijn kind … ons kind!

Preventie van internationale kinderontvoeringen

Trefwoorden child abduction
Auteurs Hilde Demarré

Hilde Demarré
Hilde Demarré is projectmanager bij Child Focus en opgeleid familiebemiddelaar.
  • Samenvatting

      For children involved in an international abduction by one of the parents, there is a real risk of losing their right to contact with the other parent for an extended period of time and sometimes forever. A number of international legal remedies have been created that should provide a solution to these often traumatising experiences. However, their application in an international context often takes a particularly long time and the procedures remain painful and difficult for the families involved. The various players working in the field of international child abductions recognise the importance of preventing international child abductions. The requirement here is that the people involved in the field are well informed of the available and most desirable prevention mechanisms. Therefore Child Focus, in cooperation with the European Commission, developed a prevention guide with information on the phenomenon of international child abduction, prevention mechanism, intervening organizations and flow charts.

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